We’ve had the pleasure of partnering with two great local organizations recently. Metro Caring is a hunger prevention organization in Denver. “Metro Caring meets people’s immediate need for nutritious food while also sustainably addressing the root causes of hunger and poverty. Using a multifaceted approach, Metro Caring is innovative in how it solves problems related to hunger, with programming offered in Healthy Foods Access, Nutrition Education, and Self-Sufficiency.” We had a fantastic time volunteering with Metro Caring. What a great organization!
We also recently partnered with another great local organization, Mile High 100. “Inspired by the success of groups like 100 Women Who Care and 100 Men Who Give a Damn, we’re bringing a great giving initiative to Denver. We’ve gathered a diverse group of liked minded people who care about our community and want to make a big impact. At our meetings, we combine our giving power and focus it on one charity. That charity gets a big stack of checks from our members as well as many new contacts and a lot of free awareness.”
We feel lucky to have been able to participate in giving back to our great community!
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