Please mark your calendars now for the JDE Training SIG Q2 Call. You won’t want to miss this exciting and informative presentation from a couple of our industry’s training experts.

Friday, May 29, 2015, 1:00 EST

The goal of this presentation is to equip you with the knowledge you need to create the right blended learning solution for your JDE project team and JDE end users.

Your JDE classroom with a live instructor is giving way to a host of new training technologies.  But just throwing money at technology is not an answer.

We’ll discuss and show you examples of:

  • Virtual Classroom Platforms
  • eLearning
  • Asynchronous Learning
  • Wisdom of the Crowd (Social Learning)
  • Learning Styles of the Millenials
  • An update on JDE101—the new JDE training program for college and university students.

Presented by:

Andy Klee, President, JDEtips

Elizabeth Schreifer, President, iLearnERP

I know you won’t want to miss this great topic.  Here are the call-in details:

Friday, May 29, 2015, 1:00 EST

Please join the meeting from your computer or smartphone

You can also dial in using your phone:

US: +1 (646) 749-3122

Access Code: 412-308-101

Hope you can join us!

You’re JDE Training SIG Board

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