We’re excited to announce that we’ve added over 115+ new courses to the End User Academy! We are always updating the End User Academy with the latest content for our subscribers. You can take a look at the newly expanded End User Academy course list here. If you are not already a subscriber, please reach out to us so we can show you a live demo and get you a temporary seat so you can check out the training for yourself or your users.
If your organization is struggling with getting new JDE users up-to-speed and in need of a solution that is comprehensive, yet capable of holding today’s learners captive, the End User Academy was designed with you in mind. End users will learn the why and the how of JDE through a variety of hands-on media and resources. Compelling video instruction for real work training, click-through tutorials, access to a JD Edwards 9.2 environment to safely test their skills, printable resources, and knowledge checks will create competent, self-sufficient JDE users, whether you are going through an upgrade, a new implementation, or onboarding new users or new employees.
Not sure exactly what you need? We’ll work with you to help identify the scope of training, the number of users who need access, types of content and courses, and your training time-line, all while working within your budget. Learners will always have access to a live Learning Advisor for their training needs, and the End User Academy’s automated tracking and reporting capabilities make it easy to ensure your employees are compliant with training, on-time and on-target.
With a blended curriculum of videos, click-through tutorials, and printable resources, the End User Academy will enable your organization to get the most ROI in JD Edwards with end users who are up-to-date on the latest JDE curriculum. Watch the video below for a sneak peak or contact us here for a customized demo.